Terms of Use

Hotel Enzian Zürs GmbH & CoKG

Managing Director: Richard Elsensohn
A-6763 Zürs am Arlberg, Austria
Telephone +43 5583 3110
Fax +43 5583 3404
E-Mail: office@taxizuers.com

Commercial Register No.: FN 14952p
Place of Jurisdiction: LG Feldkirch
VAT: ATU 36057208

Public Authorities pursuant to E-Commerce Law:

District Government of Bludenz
Vorarlberg Chamber of Commerce
Trade Group Hotel Industry
» Company Data Information provided pursuant to §5.1 E-Commerce Law
Design & Layout: Michael Walch – www.michael-walch.com
Web Hosting: Ortwin Oberhauser – www.oberhauser.at
Photo Credits: Taxi Zürs, Lech Zürs Tourism, Michael Walch


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Obligatory information as per (EU) Directive No. 524/2013 of the European Parliament and Council:

Link to the homepage of the office for on-line settlement of consumer disputes of the European Commission: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/ 
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We´ld love to hear from you

Fa. Johann Elsensohn KG
Hotel-und Taxiunternehmen
Haus Nr. 84
6763 Zürs am Arlberg / Austria

Phone +43 5583 3110
Fax +43 5583 3404

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